AfriPride Sanitary Pad was established in Ghana by RECFAM as a social enterprise to fill a very important need for sanitary napkins to keep girls in rural areas in schools, promote gender equality, prevent parents from forcing young girls into early marriage when they start menstruating to avoid disgrace if the girl get pregnant at home, school dropout girls and those in poor communities becoming victims of teenage pregnancy/STD as some men takes advantage to buy sanitary pads in exchange of sex, reduces the rate parents ignorantly give their girl child out as house help to traffickers to take to cities to escape their responsibilities and buying sanitary pads every month among others where they end-up being exploited among others.
RECFAM produces organic and biodegradable sanitary pads – AfriPride Pads – out of banana/plantain fibre, wood pulp and corn fibre with wings for rural girls and women who lack access to proper menstrual hygiene products and Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) education in impoverished communities in Ghana.
The pad is free from chlorine, dyes and fragrances. Extra-long, leak-free protection, keep you dry and comfortable. Packaging is recycling.
RECFAM collaborates with the Ghana Education Service and other stakeholders to distribute AfriPride Sanitary pads to rural girls/women directly in Ghana along with menstrual hygiene education and campaign to destigmatize menstruation. The community empowerment programs through gainful supply of the banana/plantain fibre and the sale of pads allows RECFAM to engage whole persons through embracing whole families and communities.
our mission
Access to safe menstrual hygiene products is not a privilege; it is a right. We ensure that girls and women in Ghana have access to affordable, safe and environmentally-friendly sanitary pads in order to increase school attendance and promote gender equality. We also provide Menstrual Hygiene Management education and campaign to destigmatize this natural and healthy process of the female body.